Think Tank
"6 Email Marketing Tips to Boost Your Brand"
By Fernando Camacho
Email marketing is a purrfect way to reach out to your customers and keep them engaged with your brand. Just like a cat on the hunt, email campaigns require careful planning and execution to make sure they catch your audience’s attention and encourage them to take action. But first, you have to make sure you understand the basics of why and how to utilize email marketing campaigns to help you stand out. Here are six tips to get you on your way to building your brand and drawing in a loyal clientele:
1 Be a curious kitten.
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but in email marketing, it’s the key to success. Be curious about your audience’s needs and interests, and tailor your emails to address them. Just like a kitten, be playful and experiment with different types of content to see what works best.
2 Don’t be afraid to show your claws.
Cats are not usually shy about using those sharp claws to get attention when needed. In email marketing, you also need to be assertive and use strong subject lines and calls-to-action to grab your audience’s attention. Don’t be afraid to be a little bit bold and show your claws when you need to.
3 Be a lap cat.
Lap cats are the ones who snuggle up to their humans and make themselves comfortable. In email marketing, you want to be the lap cat that your audience looks forward to hearing from. Make your emails warm and inviting, and use a friendly tone to create a connection with your audience.
4 Always land on your feet.
Cats are known for their ability to land on their feet, no matter how far they fall. In email marketing, you need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances and make adjustments to your strategy when needed. Always be prepared to pivot and try new things to keep your audience engaged.
"Make your emails so irresistible that your audience can’t wait to read them."
Cat looking at email notification icon and clock on wall
5 Be the cat’s meow.
When something is “the cat’s meow,” it means it’s the best of the best. Make sure your campaigns are the cat’s meow by providing value to your subscribers and delivering content that they can’t find anywhere else. Make your emails so irresistible that your audience can’t wait to read them.
6 Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
Cats are notoriously sneaky and can be selective about who they give their attention to. In email marketing, you want to create a sense of exclusivity by offering special promotions and deals that are only available to your subscribers. Make your audience feel like they’re part of an exclusive club and they’ll be more likely to engage with your brand.

Email marketing can be a lot like owning a cat—it requires careful attention, a playful attitude and a willingness to adapt. By understanding these principals, you can create email campaigns that engage your audience, build rapport and keep them coming back for more.

Fernando Camacho (Fern) runs Overdog Digital, a digital marketing agency specializing in working with dog daycare and boarding facilities. He does private business consulting, staff training and helps pet businesses utilize modern resources to expand their customer base and grow their businesses. Fern is also the author of six books and is a speaker at national conferences and private events. To join The Dog Daycare Business Think Tank or ask a question, go to: