There are two main kinds of ROI: immediate and future. With immediate, you get that return as soon as (or shortly after) you make the investment—you give me one dollar and I give you two dollars back. If you run an ad for an offer on Facebook that costs $500 and people buy $1,000 worth of your services as a result, you just made some nice immediate ROI. However, so much of marketing is all about the future ROI, yet most people are impatient and don’t think of the big picture. It’s like investing your money in a retirement fund—you put money in today but don’t expect to see it grow right away. You have to wait a period of time to see that money grow. If you have the smarts and patience to do that though, you’ll be rewarded with more money in the future.
Some marketing campaigns are going to get you customers today while others are going to deliver results later on. Those businesses that do understand the investment of doing things for future benefit are able to plant the seeds that are going to bring them a money tree later. If you don’t plant the seeds, you can’t harvest the goods. And that’s where branding campaigns come in…
You have the power to put any kind of impression of your business out there that you want. Don’t count on people making the correct assumption about your business; you need to guide their impression of you. You want to make sure that they know you’re the best at what you do and paint the picture that they see of your business.
Your branding campaigns are providing gentle touches; nurturing them over time. You can’t just continually say, “Buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff…” That’s trying to beat them over the head with your offer and providing bad touch points that will turn them off. Your branding campaigns should be elevating your business in their mind.
For all those reasons, you need to do branding campaigns in conjunction with promoting direct offers. If you can effectively create a system that has a flow of all the different campaign types, you can become a real monster in the marketplace and have a steady stream of customers continually coming into your business, and also position yourself way above all the competitors in your area.
Fernando Camacho (Fern) runs Overdog Digital, a digital marketing agency specializing in working with dog daycare and boarding facilities. He does private business consulting, staff training and helps pet businesses utilize modern resources to expand their customer base and grow their businesses. Fern is also the author of six books and is a speaker at national conferences and private events. To join The Dog Daycare Business Think Tank or ask a question, go to: